How we help

Voice2words offers a comprehensive, stream-lined service to suit a range of organisations.

Our expertise covers every aspect of the qualitative research process. We can assist with project design, data collection, analysis and reporting. We also offer training in qualitative research methods and provide an editing and publishing service.

Going beyond research and reporting, our voice2dialogue process can improve clarity, inspire collective action and help repair relationships after communication or trust has broken down.

We recognize that different sectors have different needs.

Management consultancies

We help management consultants to deepen their business analysis with "fly-on-the-wall" understanding. We explore the interactions and attitudes that matter to staff, clients and managers. Findings from our interviews and workshops can pinpoint key opportunities and threats to business relationships.

Market and social researchers

We offer greater flexibility to research organisations. Our experienced researchers can dove-tail with existing teams to meet a deadline. Or, for those that require out-sourcing, we provide timely, high-quality results. In addition to focus-group facilitation and interviewing services, we can facilitate the recruitment of research participants, especially from groups that are hard to reach.

Local government

We help councils gain insight into community needs, attitudes and aspirations. Our research can be used to inform a planning vision, evaluate an existing project or shed light on local needs. It can provide answers in areas as diverse as customer dissatisfaction, civic participation, social planning and environmental behavior change.

We encourage genuine community exchange. Our consultation and analysis can dove-tail with a dialogue process that enriches community harmony projects and social planning.

Government services

We offer health, community and other government services the capacity to better connect with their consumers. Our research gives consumers a voice: exploring how they think, feel and make decisions about the services they use. We offer advice and training in qualitative research and cultural competence.

Our reporting gives added scope to engage with stakeholders. Our user-friendly reports are just the beginning. We are also skilled in feeding back findings to consumers, and facilitating a dialogue process to help identify new options for action.

Community organisations

We help community organisations to expand their expertise, increase their responsiveness and engage more deeply with those they serve. We do research, evaluate projects or build capacity by offering advice and training. We help organisations to advocate for communities, presenting their unique stories on the page. Our editing and publishing services give reports a professional edge.

We excel in supporting genuine consultation and can facilitate dialogue, even where there has been conflict. When all voices are heard, dialogue can foster creativity and openness and help to identify appropriate solutions.


Community-university linkages give research its cutting edge. Our community dialogue processes can enhance the utility of academic research and support diffusion of knowledge.